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Epidermal Cells

品牌: Creative Bioarray
单价: 1.00元/1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 2023-12-31 [已过期]
最后更新: 2023-09-23 12:59
浏览次数: 48
 The epidermis is the outer of the two layers that makes up the skin. The epidermal cells perform a barrier function in human body, protecting against invasion of bacteria and foreign particles and regulating the amount of water released from the body. At Creative Bioarray, we can offer 11 types of human epidermal cells including Normal Human Neonatal Epidermal Keratinocytes, Human Epidermal Keratinocytes adult, Normal Human Epidermal Melanocytes adult, Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes, Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes (NHEK) adult, single donor, etc. These cells are cryopreserved as primary cells to ensure the highest viability and plating efficiency. The epidermal cells can be used for accurate testing of compounds and for use in the study of cancer, human epidermal development, differentiation and celluar aspect of skin diseases.
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SCTR/Gs Stable Cell Line
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